Ho ho ho.. Merry Christmas !!!


Posted by Papake | Posted in | Posted on

Christmas comes but once a year. But when it comes it brings good cheer. 

Merry Christmas to You All. Share the love around the universe.

Sunday School Songs (chapter 2)


Posted by Papake | Posted in | Posted on

Mmm, I've found these great song. Just click the link to download :
Love it , please give comments...
Or do you have reguest song, just give your comments...

Sunday School Songs (chapter 1)


Posted by Papake | Posted in , | Posted on

These are some sunday school song  in Indonesian language. Please download by clicking the link below :

He's Been Good


Posted by Papake | Posted in , , | Posted on

A song by a famous Indonesian christian singer, Frangky Sihombing. I share this song as a start of my  blog because He's been good to me... God Bless Us.
You can download this Mp3 here.